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General Information

You have the right to cancel your purchase within 14 days from the date of the bill. This right automatically come to an end, once you started with your online/virtual course. On the individual sites on each course, you will get a clear overview on the content of each offering. This will help you to decide whether or not a certain offer is suitable for you.

Cancellation Policy

You have the right to cancel any contract between you and isca.rosa within the first 14 days, starting on the day the contract came to be, and without reason. To do so you have to write an email at, to inform me about your decision. Your money will be payed back within 14 days.

Results of Cancellation

If you cancel our contract, I will pay back any money received from you within 14 days of your cancellation, meaning the day your email was received. To transfer paid fees back to you, I will make use of the same means of payment used in the purchase.

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