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Jessica Adams – Iscarosa

Bodysex® is a practice designed by Betty Dodson PhD that supports women* to connect to their bodies and orgasm to heal shame, enhance pleasure, and encourage self-love. Once we understand basic sexual anatomy, know and find the parts that bring us to orgasm, and claim our bodies for our own pleasure, we know our true sexual selves.

Sexuality Counseling can help you figure out what it is that you are struggling with in your sex-life with yourself and/or partners. Learning to communicate sexual needs and desires is an essential part of keeping us happy and healthy.

As a certified Bodysex Facilitator, Sex Educator, and Sexuality Counslor, I work online, as well as in Europe (mainly Austria) and Cape Town, South Africa.


Let's get the facts straight

As people with vulvas, we often grow up without the fundamental information on the female body and female pleasure. Developing a healthy relationship with ourselves and our sexuality is very difficult without knowing about female anatomy, the female module of sexual response and basic information on female orgasm. This page offers free information around all these topics. Furthermore, the BLOG offers regular articles on any topic related to sexual health, sexual relationships, intimacy and female pleasure.


It's all about getting to know yourself

Besides for having all the information on the female body, it is important to know, what we ourselves look and feel like. Bodysex will help you connect to yourself and your orgasm through long-standing exercises and techniques, in order to heal shame and enhance pleasure. Vulva castings can further help *you* claim the beauty of *your* genitals and help us all in generating a world in which diversity is visible and celebrated.


Some things we can't figure out alone

… and that is ok. Sexual wellbeing is essential for our overall health, our happiness, and the way we treat ourselves and those around us. Choosing to talk about sex can change a lot … Sexuality counseling supports you in achieving your goals and helps you having the sex you have always wanted to have. Sex education ensures that our future generations grow up with age-appropriate, accurate information that will not only help their healthy growth, but also free them from age-old stigma, trauma, and shame attached to anything related to sexuality.

There is a lot of talk about sexual health and sexual wellness these days, and the role for our overall well-being has become undeniable. What is often still lacking in discussions is pleasure as a key ingredient for our happiness. We all deserve sexual pleasure. Go get it!


Das Erfahrungsfeld, das Jessica mit ihrer Arbeit öffnet, bringt Heilung für mich als Frau und fürs Kollektiv liebender Menschen – Danke.

Priska, 47

In einer Runde von Frauen mir selbst und gleichzeitig den anderen so nah sein zu können, war besonders schön - jede für sich und alle gemeinsam.

Priska, 47

Liebe Frauen da draußen auf der ganzen Welt!
Ja, ich brauchte Mut mich für diesen Workshop anzumelden
Traurigerweise möchte ich dazusagen, ich hatte Angst, was mich da erwartet
Heute würde ich sagen: Ich selber habe mich erwartet!
Ich hatte Angst Bekannte zu treffen, die mich nackt und "orgasmisch" erleben
Heute würde ich sagen: Ja, genau, so bin ich!
Ich dachte ich würde Scham verspüren
Heute sage ich: Ich war erstaunt, wie selbstverständlich sich alles angefühlt hat!
Ich dachte, das sei eine ernste Angelegenheit
Heute schmunzle ich: Was haben wir gelacht und Spaß gehabt!
Ich dachte, ich gehe da alleine hin
Heute weiß ich: Wir Frauen haben etwas Wunderbares Gemeinsames!
Lasst uns einander doch gegenseitig stärken und wie Jessica so treffend sagt:
Holen wir uns zurück, was uns genommen wurde!!


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